Panorama for your Monday
Posted by Kevin Smith | | Posted On Monday, August 31, 2009 at 9:46 PM
This shrine is one of two that are in the middle of an intersection near the hospital.
On the eve of our departure to Nepal I’m excited but ambivalent. Then I take a deep breath and remember why I’m traveling for 33 hours straight across the largest ocean. Because I’ve been yearning for an adventure, a new perspective on life, an escape from my own American gluttony, a chance to give, and a refining fire. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I believe we can do better than this! If I don’t start living my fantastic life now I may not get around to it later. In dental school my priorities were unregrettably rearranged but it’s time to build my priorities the way I want them.
Kevin and I have this phrase we use with each other: “Will this help me live my fantastic life?” and because of this I choose to go.
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